Blackbird Cigar

by Master Blender Jonas Santana

Established by Master Blender Jonas Santana, Blackbird Cigar stands out for its dedication to quality and innovation in the cigar industry. Crafted in the Dominican Republic, the brand offers six distinctive lines: Crow, Unkind, Cuco, Rook, Jackdaw, and Finch, each named after a bird species, reflecting their unique characteristics.

Signature products include the Blackbird Crow, featuring a dark Mexican San Andres Maduro wrapper with a complex blend of fillers from Nicaragua and USA Pennsylvania, delivering rich flavors of spice, chocolate, and tobacco. The Unkind Cubra stands out with its Brazilian Cubra wrapper and distinctive taste. Other notable lines include the Cuco Criollo with its full smoke and secret Dominican fillers, and the Rook Sumatra, known for its mild strength and creamy profile.

Blackbird Cigar's commitment to craftsmanship ensures each cigar offers a smooth draw and complex flavors. The brand has garnered numerous awards and recognitions for its exceptional quality and unique blends, further solidifying its reputation in the premium cigar market.


3110 W 84th St. Unit 1, Hialeah, FL 33018, USA
+1 (786) 302-4711