Sinistro Cigars

With over 3 decades of experience, Sinistro Cigars has travelled to the world’s most renowned cigar producing regions in search for the perfect smoke. The attention to detail & quality can be seen & tasted in every cigar. Each cigar is hand-rolled by master cigar rollers under the strict supervision of a cigar aficionado.

Signature products like Mr. Red, with its full-flavored San Andreas wrapper, and the Last Cowboy Connecticut, featuring Peruvian fillers and a Candela foot, showcase the brand’s mastery. The Last Cowboy Maduro, with its Connecticut broadleaf wrapper, and Honor Among Thieves, wrapped in Brazilian Cubra Maduro, further highlight their craftsmanship. Notably, Mr. Desflorado offers a unique sweetness from its Connecticut Desflorado wrapper, while El Burro provides an affordable yet flavorful option.

Follow Sinistro Cigars on their road to excellence and discover the ultimate in fine cigars.


436 W Broadway, Glendale, CA 91204, USA