Monte Pascoal

Monte Pascoal cigars, a prestigious brand originating from Brazil, have made a significant mark on the market as one of the few premium long fillers produced entirely in Brazil. The brand's history is deeply rooted in the unique and spicy blend of Mata Fina and H. Seed tobaccos, which are revered for their exceptional quality and craftsmanship.

Monte Pascoal's signature product, the Mata Fina Robusto, is celebrated for its intricate flavor profile. Beginning with mild coffee notes, it evolves into earthy aromas with woody and grassy nuances, accompanied by a caramel sweetness. As the cigar is enjoyed, it gains a spicy sharpness that perfectly balances its initial sweetness, delivering a rich and satisfying smoking experience.

Renowned for its quality, Monte Pascoal has been recognized as a market leader in Brazil. Their cigars are a testament to Brazilian flavor, boasting excellent burning characteristics and a medium-bodied profile with herb-sweet cocoa, malt, leather, fruit sweetness, and a distinctive coffee note.

Monte Pascoal's dedication to quality and authentic Brazilian craftsmanship has earned them numerous awards and recognitions. Their products are considered a genuine representation of Brazilian cigar excellence, delighting connoisseurs around the world.


R. Povoado Bonsucesso, 69 Governador Mangabeira, - BA - 44350-000, Brasil