Dominican Big Leaguer (DBL) by Francisco Almonte is a premier cigar brand based in Tamboril, Dominican Republic. Francisco Almonte, who began his journey in tobacco at age 7, honed his skills at A. Fuente and as a master blender at LFD – La Flor Dominicana. Almonte's factory produces hand-rolled cigars that celebrate his family's tobacco tradition and his passion for baseball. Signature lines include the “Maduro,” a medium-strength cigar named after MLB stars, and the “Amarillo,” known for its rum barrel-aged wrapper and balanced taste. The “Mafu” offers a full aroma, while the unique “Baseball Bat” reflects Almonte's passion for baseball. The “35th Anniversary” blend features ultra-premium tobaccos, while the “2a Generacion” is an exclusive, limited-edition line. (The “Derrame III” boasts a San Andres Maduro wrapper, and the “Formula” is robust with peppery and earthy notes. The exquisite “Extra Viejo” and the flavor-rich “El Final” line complete the distinguished portfolio.) DBL's exceptional craftsmanship and quality have earned it numerous awards and recognitions.
10829 NW 29th St, Doral, FL 33172, USA |
347-445-6295 |
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dblcigars |