Founded in 1996, Cigar Specialist (CSI Magazine) is the premier source of professional cigar
information and lifestyle content in China. As the leading and only official cigar magazine
in the country, we collaborate closely with China Tobacco, China Duty Free, and other
official Chinese entities. Our magazine prints 200,000 copies per issue, catering to cigar
enthusiasts aged 25-65 who appreciate the finer things in life. CSI Magazine's targeted
distribution spans tobacco, duty-free, alcohol, wines, high-end restaurants and clubs,
luxury stores, arts, golf, and horse riding sectors.
China's cigar market has become pivotal globally, with over 0.5 billion smokers and rapidly
increasing cigar consumption—sales have surged tenfold from 2018 to 2023. We cater to both
B2B and B2C segments, boasting over 110,000 personal subscribers. Our unique position and
extensive reach make us indispensable for anyone interested in the burgeoning Chinese cigar
CSI Shanghai |
No.123 Lane 1683, XiangYang Rd, MinHang District, Shanghai, China 201108 |
+86 21 64970188 |
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cigarspecialistmag |