The World Traveler Cigars, the brand founded by Emiliano Lagos in 2017, is a tribute to
globetrotters and the diverse cultures encountered on his journeys. Each cigar, crafted with
precision and passion, reflects the rich tapestry of his travels. The cigar box, adorned
with Lagos' passport seals, encapsulates this spirit.
The World Traveler Cigars signature products include the First Class, Habano, and Maduro
cigars. The First Class features an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper and a Mexican San Andres
In 2022, First Class was introduced as a super-premium cigar line for discerning smokers
seeking a superior experience. Handcrafted in Esteli, Nicaragua, by Caribbean Cigars Trading
Company SA, these cigars epitomise excellence.
Recognized for quality and craftsmanship, The World Traveler Cigars are 100% handmade by
master blenders in Nicaragua, producing 3.5 to 4 million cigars annually. This dedication
has earned them numerous awards and accolades in the cigar industry, solidifying their
reputation for excellence.
The World Traveler Cigars introduces three new lines of Premium handmade cigars, each
inspired by distinct cultures and regions. Asia evokes the mysticism of the Asian continent
with carefully selected tobaccos. America honours the sacred tobacco traditions of the Maya
and Inca cultures with unique blends by Nicaraguan master blenders. Africa captures the
essence of African journeys, paying homage to the rich experiences and cultures of the
3200 Collins Ave Apt. 66, Miami, Florida 33140, USA |
+52 294 1030167 |
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