PASIONPURO is a small, passionate team dedicated to the world of
cigars, wines, spirits, and other fine products. Our unique selling proposition (USP) lies
in our commitment to sourcing exceptional products from small, often overlooked
manufacturers, creating a truly exclusive experience for our customers.
As possibly the
smallest cigar importer in the world, we pride ourselves on fostering personal relationships
with both our partners and customers, allowing for innovative communication and sales
concepts. Our collection includes handpicked cigars that reflect quality craftsmanship,
embodying the story and heritage of their makers. With a strong emphasis on authenticity and
rarity, we bring you products not typically found through traditional importers. Driven by
our motto, "Aficionados for Aficionados," we strive to provide exclusive selections that
speak to true connoisseurs, ensuring each offering is as unique as the individuals who enjoy
Riswicker Street 85, 47533 Kleve, Germany |
+49 (0) 2821/7839688 |
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